List of publications

  1. I.Caprini, S,Ciulli, C.Pomponiu, I.Sabba Stefanescu, A bias-free method for the detection of bound, antibound and resonant states, Phys.Rev.D5(1972)1658-1661
  2. S.Ciulli, C.Pomponiu, I.Sabba Stefanescu, G.Steinbrecher, Tautologies and optimisation of N/D equations, Phys.Rev.D8(1973) 455-467
  3. I.Sabba Stefanescu, On the analytic extrapolation of scattering amplitudes in L2 norm, Nucl.Phys. B56(1973)287-300
  4. S.Ciulli, C.Pomponiu, I. Sabba Stefanescu, G.Steinbrecher, CDD poles, inelasticities and optimisation of N/D equations, Nucl.Phys.B71(1974) 269-291
  5. S.Ciulli, C.Pomponiu, I.Sabba Stefanescu, Some mathematical aspects of the problem of analytic extrappolation in elementary particle physics, in the Series "Physics of elementary particles and atomic nuclei", vol.6, no.1(1975)72 (in Russian)
  6. S.Ciulli, C.Pomponiu, I.Sabba Stefanescu, Analytic extrapolation techniques and stability problems in dispersion relation theory, Phys.Reports 17C, 135-224
  7. C.B.Lang, I.Sabba Stefanescu, Analysis of the pion formfactor in the timelike region, Phys.Lett.58B (1975) 450-454
  8. I.Raszillier, W.Schmidt, I.Sabba Stefanescu, Pionic contribution to the muon magnetic moment, Nucl.Phys.B109(1976) 452-468
  9. I.Raszillier, W.Schmidt, I.Sabba Stefanescu, Can one detect zeroes of the pion formfactor? Z.Physik A277(1976)211-215
  10. I.Raszillier, W.Schmidt, I.Sabba Stefanescu, On the zeroes of the pion electromagnetic formfactor, J.Math.Phys.17(1976)1957-1962
  11. G.Höhler, E.Pietarinen, I.Sabba Stefanescu, F.Borkowski, G.G.Simon, V.H.Walther, R.D.Wendling, Analysis of the electromagnetic nucleon formfactors, Nucl.Phys.B114(1976) 505-534
  12. C.B.Lang, I.Sabba Stefanescu, The π-K phase shifts and two variable analyticity, Phys.Lett.79B (1978) 479-482
  13. G.Höhler, I.Sabba Stefanescu, Singularities of zero trajectories of scattering amplitudes, Z.Physik C2 (1979)253-263
  14. I.Sabba Stefanescu, On the stable analytic continuation with rational functions, J.Math.Phys.21(1980) 175-188
  15. I.Sabba Stefanescu, Constraints on phase shift analysis from two variable analyticity, Phys.Rev.D21(1980) 3225-3246
  16. E.Borie, w.Gampp, G.Höhler, R.Koch, I.Sabba Stefanescu. The zero trajectories of invariant π-N amplitudes I, Z.Phys.C4(1980) 333-344
  17. I.Sabba Stefanescu, On the determination of π-N phase shifts from isospin constraints and fixed t analyticity, Acta Phys.Austriaca, suppl.XXIII(1981)695-701
  18. G.Höhler, I.Sabba Stefanescu, Zero trajectories and the slope of diffraction scattering, Phys.Rev.D25(1982)892-896
  19. I.Sabba Stefanescu, On the determination of π-N phase shifts from isospin constraints and fixed t analyticity, J.Math.Phys.23(1982) 1190-1208
  20. I.Sabba Stefanescu, On the convergence of reflectionless approximants to confining potentials, J.Math.Phys. 23(1982)2190-2204
  21. I.Sabba Stefanescu, On the construction of amplitudes with Mandelstam analyticity from observable quantities, J.Math.Phys. 25(1984)2052-2085
  22. I.Sabba Stefanescu, On the phase retrieval problem in two dimensions, J.Math.Phys.26(1985)2141-2160
  23. D.Atkinson, I.S.Stefanescu, Truncation of continuum ambiguities in phase shift analysis, Commun.Math.Phys. 101(1985)291-304
  24. I.Sabba Stefanescu, On the stable analytic continuation with a condition of uniform boundedness, J.Math.Phys.27(1986)2657-2686
  25. I.Sabba Stefanescu, Zero trajectories and the problem of the reconstruction of the phase, Fortschr.Phys.35(1987) Nos.8-9, 573-673
  26. I.Sabba Stefanescu, A problem of stability in phase shift analysis, Z.Physik C41(1988) 453-466
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  27. I.S.Stefanescu, On the Duffing Equation at large forcing and damping ,in Computer Theoretikum und Praktikum für Physiker, 6(1993)146-150
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  28. Ion Sabba Stefanescu, The Onset of Bifurcations in the Forced Duffing Equation with Damping, International Journal of Bifurcations and Chaos 23(2013)No.2,1330006(1-64)
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PDF copies for all articles may be obtained on request

Some internal reports

  1. I.S.Stefanescu, On the Duffing equation at large forcing and damping, TKP90/11
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    This report contains a proof of the theorem announced in Ref.27. Over the last year I have reconsidered this report, removed some (small) errors, improved some of the arguments and added some figures. The resulting work, "The onset of bifurcations in the forced Duffing equation with damping" appeared in the International Journal of Bifurcations and Chaos (no.28 above).

  2. I.S.Stefanescu, On the Duffing equation in the limit of large forcing and large damping, TKP89/11
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    This report contains a proof that the Duffing equation admits of a unique periodic solution if the damping increases slightly quicker than logarithmically with the forcing.

  3. G.Höhler and I.S.Stefanescu, New approximate solutions to Duffing's equation, TKP 87-9E
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    This is an introduction to the use of boundary layer methods in obtaining periodic solutions of Duffing's equation at large damping and forcing. The report contains many numerical examples.
